Saturday, January 31, 2009

Unfinished Assignment

One of my high-school English teachers took time one day to talk about writing one's philosophy of life. It became an intriguing thought, and an uncompleted assignment I still wish to complete. She stated that we could probably not write it before age thirty, but certainly not before twenty. For a teenager, that seemed impractically long. Amazing how perspectives change as one ages. Also, amazing a teacher proposed such a startling project. It has become my most lasting memory of high school and significant in my life.

Now that I've proven that one can live life without at least a conscious philosophy, and that one needs to do more than just collect books toward that end, it is perhaps time to actually formulate it. I've arrived at a time in life when procrastination seems not a good idea. I have no immediate plans of exit, understand; just know I do not wish to leave this unfinished.

This entry, then, becomes an another start on completing this assignment. It will no doubt start too seriously, but deteriorate over time. Be patient. I have years of practice stumbling around in the dark.


  1. Ahem. . . "Well, where is it?". . . what?. . .too soon?

    Just kidding, I'm glad you started a blog. It's like having a journal but you get to abandon the less savory aspects of journal writing- i.e. writing for no audience except maybe your future self (who will be bored when re-reading it) and/or making people uncomfortable by being real excited about forcing them to peruse a written record of your private thoughts.

    Is that a picture of you from work?

    I'm excited about reading this.

    Glad grandmom enjoys tea. I can send her some special brews from Chinatown if she likes!

  2. Yep, that's a picture from work. Seems like a zillion years ago (it's been at least since later March).

    I doubt Grandmom can appreciate too much in the way special brews. Old people's taste buds don't appreciate things as much. The Twinnings are great. I can get those locally, but thanks for the offer.
